



Adithya Biloor
Made this image at Hasirumakki back water region, Karnataka.
As always waiting for your views.
Mon Apr 30, 2012 1:56 pm
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Adithya Biloor

Adithya Biloor  Joined CNP On 29 May 2008    Total Image posts 346    -   Total Image Comments 1794    -   Image Post to Comment Ratio 1:5    -   Image Comment Density 32     -     Total Forum Posts 202

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Commentby Nilanjan Das on Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:55 pm

I love this image Adithya, it tells me that I can move away from what is perhaps expected of me, my feet are not deep rooted, my soul is, just bcos I look so still does not mean I am, in my mind I flow just as much as you all do....... A journey I wish for myself.....was another caption I was thinking for this image Adithya....
Maybe your ideas and thoughts were completely away from what I am thinking, but I guess it does not matter.
On another note, am mentally moving away from open interpretations :-), this has just begun to happen, I think am getting influenced by some other genres of photography which am finding to be more communicative these days, just feeling that I can be heard through my images more that way. This thought just came across my mind, what is the difference between having a soothing, moody and beautiful visual elements contributing to the image with that of tiger photography ? In both the cases I think the visual elements capture so much of the image that what I wish to say gets subdued. If art is about giving out a message, if art is about expressing then it surely has to be my message, don't you think so ? Not always I find that leaving space for open interpretations are what I want.....why is it that am feeling that I cannot take the chance of leaving it to the mind of the viewer. The more am soaked in contemporary art,it tells me more about who I am. Extremely difficult to create contemporary art in nature, nothing in our control actually. Suddenly all that I have created looks like trash now....I must figure out the journey which is meant for me.....I can not allow my feet to be too deep rooted so that I can not move or can not be seen or heard even. Time is simply running out.....and it's a start over again from the scratch...

Nilanjan Das Photography

» Last edited by Nilanjan Das on Mon Apr 30, 2012 8:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

Commentby Nevil Zaveri on Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:29 pm

simply zen feeling it evokes, adithya. love the subtle impact of vertical strokes against hint if pastels.



Commentby subhankar on Tue May 01, 2012 10:17 am

This is a painting on a canvas for me. The lack of definition can leave more impact on the viewer's mind than a nice and sharp image can ever have. Thanks for sharing...


Commentby Sriharsha Ganjam on Tue May 01, 2012 12:43 pm

Ganesh on his image had answered to my question on the validity of Blurs in images by saying "Blurred images quickly moves from eyes to mind. It eases seeing the image with closed eyes. Sharper ones make eyes decipher them for long and delays the engagement of the right brain."
Putting these words into context here makes the image so inviting. I can visualize the beautiful locale you made this image in, in much more detail and much more intimately than would have been possible if the image was made tack sharp.

Commentby Vikas T R on Tue May 01, 2012 12:59 pm

a good image, blurs and the shades talks a lot in this image......incidentally i too tried make some similar images...but i am not successful :)

"The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity."
PhotoGallery of Vikas

Commentby Sacha Greenwood on Tue May 01, 2012 9:18 pm

Nice one Adithya... Should ask Manju to do this for you on canvas! ..

Commentby Ganesh H Shankar on Wed May 02, 2012 8:19 pm

Adithya, what are your own thoughts ?

Nilanjan, about your thoughts - what you mean by contemporary art ? Based on the knowledge on the web, typically it might mean 'todays art' or 'art post world war II' or 'art after 1970' etc. Contemporary art does not mean they are closed in nature, contemporary art does not mean they give a definitive message. These are some contemporary arts. Even if a selected subset of those work really qualifies for what contemporary art is it is very much possible in nature photography.

What changes with contemporary art ? I think we can't restrict art to 'give out a message' always - I think that will limit the scope of the art.

Time is not running out. You can't create art in hurry, sit back and think again :)

Ganesh H. Shankar
Wishing you best light,

Fine Art Nature Photography

» Last edited by Ganesh H Shankar on Wed May 02, 2012 8:28 pm; edited 6 times in total

Commentby Nilanjan Das on Thu May 03, 2012 9:03 am

I did not notice your post till now Ganesh....definitely contemporary art does not refer to only those which are closed in nature. Definitions do not help understand art, for that matter if you ask me, art actually can not be defined like laws of science . I think even love can be art. Dealing with crisis in someways could be art as well :-). Contemporary as a word has a meaning which might say at my time. But what at my time ? Life in every way has an effect on a human being, either makes him think about something in depth or makes him do something for a situation or makes him shy away from all problems around him. Coming back to the concept of contemporary, it is the most open form, as it does not tell anyone that a few specific ways of expressions can only go into this box. I might see a tree and think of meditation, you might see a tree and think of support, someone else might see a tree and think of breaking free of being static. Usually these thoughts have a lot to do with the character of the person, effect of many things in his life and etc. Surely since art does not have a definition as such, hence it is not only about giving out messages, or only about distortions or moods or visual elements etc. Every artist tries to understand and approach in his or her own way, at times I think I have found a way and then soon I feel that the way is lost. I feel the necessity of creating a void as unless a void is created nothing can fill it up, but when I am filling up that void in my mind, am thinking of creating void once again. Now Why is this happening ? I was only thinking that may be the void is not getting filled properly with what would give a sense of completeness. It is about my heart and my expressions. Since I do not derive happiness or satisfaction from only appreciations which might happen due to various reasons, am still finding ways which would tell me the journey am taking is speaking a language which can be silently heard from deep within, not by others, but by myself Ganesh. I do not even know if what I wrote is making sense for others, but it makes a lot of sense to me.

Nilanjan Das Photography

Commentby Adithya Biloor on Thu May 03, 2012 2:51 pm

I am kind of emotionally attached to this place. even though the dam was built long before I born, whenever I go to that place I search for the place of my ancestors which is now drowned under water.
In the past I have tried many compositions in the same place. After attempting many times now I am feeling that simple sharp, focused image can't bring the essence of place. So I am trying with the techniques like shake, intentional blur, etc. Hope, one day I will make a good image.

I have very a limited knowledge about contemporary art. I heard contemporary artists think art is independent of medium. Art is a pure creation of heart and head. Medium is nothing more than a tool. So they mix painting with music, photography with sculpture, dance with drama etc. Even some artists ask other people to shoot for them, paint for them and combine them to make their own creation.

Does a creation which fails to send a message to society can/can't become art? I am not sure. what about pure Hindustani alaap which even doesn't have words? But one thing I am sure any artist should be sensitive towards society. An artist can create a good art only when he has a strong intellect.

Adithya Biloor

Commentby dinesh.ramarao on Tue May 08, 2012 4:24 pm

Interesting discussions here.
I would want to be a bit different than what you wrote here Adithya : "An artist can create a good art only when he has a strong feel to the subject".

- RD
