remembering winter




remembering winter
Sat Sep 15, 2012 4:55 pm
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Commentby Nilanjan Das on Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:00 pm

These image as well your last image of the closed gate, kind of provide the same emotional response Nirlep. Caged nature, gates locked for the expanse of nature / nature alienated etc are more or less the same thoughts. Different visuals but more or less same response :-). Not to take away anything from this image, just felt probably the message was a bit too direct, I sincerely hope you do not mind my candid expression as my intention is to only incite a spark which leads to creating an unusual approach or unusual visual to evoke similar response. I would love to know your thoughts on this, You have created this in the past also, I keep going back to your image of the crushed flower with marks of the boot representing human civilization. That is one of the best that I have seen from you, will never forget it. Am just expecting more out of you now Nirlep, something more unique, something unusual, more thought provoking and not so direct yet very impacting. Possible dear ??

Nilanjan Das Photography

Commentby Nilanjan Das on Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:11 pm

By the way Nirlep, this is a brilliant now trying not to take my mind too deep into the message, just seeing it as good memories of the past vs current situations around us or around nature. Hmmmm, my mind is still expecting something more Pa ji. :-)

Nilanjan Das Photography

Commentby Ganesh H Shankar on Sun Sep 16, 2012 8:58 am

I like symbolic message you wanted to convey here Nirlep. Also, I can imagine myself standing behind that window and pondering over too. One thought comes to my mind is loosing the definition on the grills. You very well need it to get across your message but I think it would be stronger to live that hint rather than as a strong impression (with fine definition). Your thoughts ? Thanks for sharing.

Ganesh H. Shankar
Wishing you best light,

Fine Art Nature Photography

Commentby nirlep on Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:08 pm

Hi Nilanjan, Ganesh, thanks for your words. Well there are times when one makes a statement or simply converses. Through my recent images I'm conversing. Of course the muse is not by my side I can say ;) Nilanjan the reason why photography is so subjective could be gauged by the fact that you found in this image the response of an incarcerated photographer and I clicked it just to make it less monotonous!! Strolling on this stretch for the last 25 years everything has become so familiar. Trying to include this gate which farmers use to keep stray cattle away was an attempt to look at the same thing differently. Hope that explains this picture. The one before this was just another way of using inclusive framing. it had no aesthetic claims to it.
Ganesh I think the first part of your question was the same as Nilanjan's. about loosing some definition of the grills yes I feel it is in order and I'll try doing that.
Nilanjan about something more unique unusual more thought provoking..well do keep reminding me and I'll be a good pupil and try something different for sure :). Thanks for that dear!

Commentby Nilanjan Das on Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:48 am

Though totally unrelated but very funny, have you ever been on a tram in Kolkata ? Next time when you are here you must actually, the driver of the tram has a grill like this in front of him. The cabin looks like a cage too, space for gadgets, but hardly any space for the person who drives it. The driver looks at the outside world stuck to his rails moving at a very slow speed watching the rest of the world rushing away in great speed. While bringing my son back from school, most of the days I get stuck in a street which is a popular tram route. Often these trams create the traffic jams, as either there is electricity failure, or derailment or something. I look at the driver, which is nearly always an old man, stuck in his time inside the grill, once proud of being the most popular form of travel in Kolkata now operated only to remind us of the glorious days ( some routes are very popular now also ). Best is you see the passengers in the tram, even if the tram gets stuck for a long time, these people stay put in their seats, well most of them, these can be so easily identified as people who have not responded to speed, change or makeover which is happening every day. This image of yours also reminded me of Pamuk's way of looking at his favourite city Istanbul,changes happening to suite the Western World but he tries to hold on through the memories ranging from the pages of history to the melancholic day dreams of the poets or even the silent flow of the lakes besides which people once spent time with their beloved.

Nilanjan Das Photography