



Adithya U N
thats what runs mostly in a mind of an artist...

thanks for watching..
C&C welcome..
Wed Jun 20, 2012 2:26 pm
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thank you,
Adithya Uligere

Adithya U N  Joined CNP On 23 May 2008    Total Image posts 195    -   Total Image Comments 340    -   Image Post to Comment Ratio 1:2    -   Image Comment Density 38     -     Total Forum Posts 2

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Commentby Ganesh H Shankar on Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:35 pm

Tell us more Adithya, about what runs in the mind !

Ganesh H. Shankar
Wishing you best light,

Fine Art Nature Photography

Commentby Nilanjan Das on Wed Jun 20, 2012 9:36 pm

That would be really interesting to know actually :-)....

Nilanjan Das Photography

Commentby dinesh.ramarao on Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:25 am

Where are you Adithya ? This is getting interesting

- RD

Commentby Adithya U N on Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:19 pm

Sorry I was not well these days and hence the delay in my reply. I have tried to quickly recollect what runs in my mind these days photography per se. So here it goes…

Primary triggers for an artist(in this case - Photographer) are:

1. What he learns from his environment:
- This is a choice that the individual makes and not what is given to him as a part of his day to day interactions with the society.
o These are the primary interests of an artist, which he seeks to explore/express.
o This can be an imitation or improvement of somebody’s work which the artist closes associates himself with and tries to express through his images.
- The transactions that he makes/observes around him, which triggers a specific thought/feeling inside him.
o Commenting - with in the forum or through some ways of critiquing his own work and that of his peers.
o Discussions – that the artist holds, when showcasing his work or as a matter of general exchange of ideas, philosophies and thoughts about his work and that of his peers.
o Social interactions of any kind: Any kind of such interactions not pertaining to artists work, can still have a great influence on his work - an act of rejection, or that of love, guilt, failure, innocence,

2. What he learns from the work of others:
- It is important to connect to the works of others for any artist to find his own sweet spot which initiates the dawn of new thoughts in his own work. The effect here stops at the successful connection between what the artist wanted to convey and what the viewer felt.
o Images that gets registered to his mind instantly.
o Some takes their own time to sink in.
- Influence of a particular style or genre on artist and his thought process. The effect here is long lasting, sometimes the hangover is so strong, the artist might incorporate these styles/genres in his own work,
o Nilanjan’s lost world series:
o Biloor’s mind series:
o Ganesh’s death series:
o RD’s art of clutter.
o Sacha’s style.

3. Finally what he wants to express through his images:
- Objectively(An artist’s act called ‘self-expression’) :
o Feelings that are buried deep with in him.
o Emotions that are triggered by the visual.
- Subjectively:
o Expressions that of his subject( I agree this is a tough task given the challenges of wildlife photography.)
o A tale/story related to the environment or a particular situation.

With these points if I had to elaborate the process of creation, then below are the questions that arise in my mind:

Am I creatively expressing what I am feeling using:
a. Use of light.
b. Use of camera shake, blur.
c. Out of the box composition.
d. Shapes and forms.
e. Any other methods of creation which would elevate the result from an ordinary image to a piece of art.

What is that I should CREATE?
- Why should I create?
- What is ART?
- Can/Will my creations be termed as ART?
- The style, which makes the end product. At times the execution is so unique it’s not repeatable. Sometimes the end product is visualized and executed and sometimes a pleasant surprise.
- What is the right technique which conveys the feelings that I experience while making the image.
- What is it that I feel while making the image?
- Will my creation trigger, the same emotions I felt while making it?
- Can my image grow in the eyes of the viewer?
- Should it be an abstract? Or a B&W?
- Will that be a square crop or a regular 4:3 or a 16:9?
- And finally, the created end product, does it satisfy your expectations to be termed as ART?

I have just noted down the points and have not gone in depth to elaborate them better, as each one of it will be a big discussion in itself. There are many more chaotic thoughts/confusions that I have in the process of creation, which I am not able to recollect now and maybe I will write a small article in CNP in the coming days.. Just before I end, I would like to mention that making images has become even more complicated as the creative hunger is increasing day by day. And I hope one day, I will find meanings/answers for all the weird questions that arise in my mind..

Would like to hear your thoughts too :)

thank you,
Adithya Uligere

Commentby dinesh.ramarao on Mon Jun 25, 2012 12:45 pm

Thats too long an explaination Adithya. Such things are best debated over a drink and we will never find answers :)

- RD

Commentby Ganesh H Shankar on Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:05 pm

Hmm, That is a long answer Adithya ! :)

I am really interested in knowing what you mean by it than the process which led to this creation.

Ganesh H. Shankar
Wishing you best light,

Fine Art Nature Photography
