Image Critique !!

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Image Critique !!

Postby CNP Staff » Thu Nov 24, 2011 7:56 am


While the memories of CNP meet is very fresh in our minds (for those who could make it) we would like to summarize some of the points that we discussed about image critique.

Compared to other forums on the net the biggest differentiator that we have here in our forum is sharing our valuable critique on the images. Yes, that is our strength as a forum !

You know what is our weakness ? Image critique again !

We just don't see enough of them and more importantly we see polarized patterns. Lots of comments on very few images. While lots of comments are very desirable a little
more spread will add a value to everyone. We do understand often we don't know what to write as a critique for some images. Here are some suggestions that we discussed -

1. There is nothing like an ideal comment - Please articulate how you receive the image in a few words. Please don't just stop at "I like it - very nice", add a few more words.
Honest critique will help understand ourselves. Articulating our feelings about an image is an introspection itself. The person who shares her/his honest views is likely get honest
valuable comments on her/his own images.

2. Good starting point would be to articulate what *you* see as strength and what *you* think can improve the image further.

3. You may want to read some of the comments on others images. We often find lots of learnings there.

4. Receiving a critique - We may not agree with all the suggestions. You may seek further clarifications but respect the time and effort of the person who offered her/his views.
At the end if you don't agree with the suggestion you may choose to silently ignore them. Everyone want to share their critique with good intentions.

5. The current critique rate is making it tough for us to honor more membership requests. As more people join the forum more images will start flowing in.
Increased image posts and decreased comments will skew the image/critique ratio further and may not add to growth of our own visions.

6. Last but not least - no single word comments - "wow", "too good", "I like it". It is better not to leave those comments. We don't see them now, we don't want to seem them for ever for sure.

We have been seeing some amazing visions of late.

Let us help better them further by offering more valuable views !

A humble request for your help from the CNP Staff...

Please feel free to add your thoughts.

CNP Staff
CNP Staff
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Joined: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:59 pm

Re: Image Critique !!

Postby dinesh.ramarao » Fri Nov 25, 2011 10:18 am

Dear CNP Staff,

Well i agree to an extent that a 'Nice, wow' should not just be our critiques. But, i feel the viewer needs to connect to an image and then write his / her words on the image.

Most of the times, most of us, either critique on a person whom we know personally or when an image is commented by someone who we know! Or when an image is has a huge imapact on eveyone

Barring a few, not many have expressed their connect to the images that they are critiquing. Not everytime, i am able to make a connect to the image and feel the art. That limits me from writing anyting on the image.

But, but, but, ... a spread of critiques on all or most of the images ? Sorry, i may have to learn 'art of critiquing' than ' art of making images using a tool called camera' , i would prefer the later.

best regards,
- RD
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Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2008 9:40 am
Location: Bangalore

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